
ラベル(True Japan)が付いた投稿を表示しています


One girl died, one girl got disturbance of consciousness.:Japan judicial system verdict that innocent. Two girl were run over by a car.

Why no responsibility for negligent?, Accident had two victim. Japan judicial system got so evil... The comments troll . 【前橋地裁】高校生死傷事故、運転の87歳に無罪判決 https://t.co/2H6Et56m30 2018年、登校中の女子高校生2人が車にはねられて死傷した事故。判決は、検察側が主張する意識障害を事故の原因だと認めた上で、被告はこうした状態に陥ることを予見できなかったと判断した。 — ライブドアニュース (@livedoornews) March 5, 2020 Kill and innocent!? No way! The Judge considered about  victims feelings? Japan judge system begin kill Nationals.. The Japan judge sent verdict that Occurred accident are true actually. But defendant has not responsibility. This judgement reason had that this accident never happen again. I think cryptic comment.. Japan judicial system got so evil...