


Might be Japan government still refuse Coronavirus infection test.

Japan government famous refuse cases about coronavirus test. Japan government lacks the motivation to resolves for Coronavirus testing refuses. コロナ相談センターは意味がないのがわかりました。母に聞きましたが電話した時点で未だに濃厚接触者と接触したか、海外渡航歴はあるかと聞かれるそうです。該当しない場合は最寄りの病院を案内される。結局検査もされないのに。無駄に病院に案内されます。意味がない。 https://t.co/UOWAJGZ0u5 — ゆな (@0J64x4s1I9dIvL7) March 16, 2020 Tweet for example: Corona Public Health Center has no meaning as consult. The consult said that Coronavirus infection test target only deep corona close contact or patient with travel history. Eventually,  Public Health Center(Government relation) don't take care any infection test for illness patient. I thought, maybe still didn't resolved about refuse coronavirus test cases... Previously: Japan Public Health Center have resolved about in this situation?

We has faces one of new-coronavirus test refused cases in Japan.

Japan Public Health Center have resolved about in this situation? Bloomberg Reported too. Japan is becoming a center of coronavirus concern, with the country’s official infection tally suspected to be the tip of the iceberg https://t.co/d0CQnyLjfO — Bloomberg (@business) February 28, 2020 Japan government has recognize new-coronavirus infection test refused case because Medical Association announced. 安倍首相は3日の参院予算委で、PCR検査を巡り、自身が2月29日の記者会見で「かかりつけ医などの判断で全ての患者が受けられる」などと述べたことについて「今すぐできるとは言っていない」と答弁しました。 https://t.co/HTkBEfw8lP — 毎日新聞 (@mainichi) March 3, 2020 According to Mainichi Shimbun, Abe prime told "I never say that all patient can all coronavirus infection test to right away." Maybe this situation still not resolved..... Coronavirus outbreaks 29 of 47 prefecture...

Coronavirus test refused 30 case with unclear reason : According to Japan Medical Association.

The Japan Medical Association to Conducted survey about refused coronavirus[covid-19] test. As I thought, JP Government adjust coronavirus infection test volume!?    Japan Medical Association announced that we find out coronavirus test refused 30 case and had unclear refuse reason. 【保健所が検査拒否 7道県30件】 https://t.co/FzFdDHWhMg 新型コロナウイルスの検査について地域の医師が必要と判断したのに、保健所が了承しない例が7道県で30件あったと日本医師会が発表。理由が明確でないケースが大半を占めたという。 — Yahoo!ニュース (@YahooNewsTopics) March 4, 2020  I find some tweet that No problem because no test means no  positive...(May be Japan government operative??) Left wing asked to Abe Prime. And Abe Prime mention that increase domestic coronavirus infection if volume up test count. だから、あえて検査をしないということか。そんなにイメージが大事か。また、隠蔽・改竄か。もはや重症患者すら、まともに検査してもらえないという事態。言うまでもなく、国の体面などより「国民の命」を守ることが最優先されるべきである。そんなこともわからないのか。 https://t.co/iq8HBSfy2i — 小沢一郎(事務所) (@ozawa_jimusho) March 2, 2020 And... Japan government hired net operative. ランサーズとクラウドワークスによるネット工作員に注意。 htt

Coronavirus Doubt, Organizers say "Tokyo marathon are not big event" and Japan government keep silence.

Japan government attempt shift responsibility to other?? because keep silent. Why Japan government keep silent about held such big event? Tokyo marathon was held on 1.Mar with spectator over 70 hundred peoples. But organizer will  held again next Tokyo marathon. Why?? 東京マラソン「大規模イベントに当たらない」 日本陸連、予定通り開催 https://t.co/Z6SsAne1JQ — 毎日新聞ニュース (@mainichijpnews) February 27, 2020 Tokyo Marathon organizer: "Because Tokyo marathon are not not big event." Tweet Comment:  Japan government reveal importance stand that more Tokyo Olympic plan than national life.  Well Why school closed all through country? I think so too that Japan government reveal importance stand that more Tokyo Olympic plan than national life. Next Tokyo Marathon will held on early march. Also Japan government can't stop event?

About coronavirus comment : You never get test positive and can everyday work because the government don't test coronavirus with all people.

JP Government hired an operative? Japanese government often hire operative. Japanese government often hire a net operative. ランサーズとクラウドワークスによるネット工作員に注意。 https://t.co/Ech0T6gfvy — 佐倉 淳 (@JunSakura_Japan) February 26, 2020 (The 'Lancers' are Japanese freelance recruitment crowd service.) The attachment picture say with we recruit person with love conservative values. Who cheering Abe politics person. Who have anger against left wing comment with tv and media show news.  Who like 'Sankei News Paper' report. Tweet Comment Also Abe recruited an operative person? Really..Seriously dangerous. Uhhhnnn.. One pattern. Japan government reached danger things. But, Coronevirus will not stop expanding.... Coronavirus[COVID-19] infection spreading already 23 of 47 prefecture. But....Why infection spreading slowly?? May be Japan Health ministry took really refused test coronavirus...

No fear Japanese about coronavirus? In during spreading coronavirus outbreak, going Tokyo marathon more than 70 thousand people.

Today, Tokyo marathon held on 1-march sunday. Tokyo marathon was held during the coronavirus outbreaks. 【東京マラソン観戦自粛も7万人】 https://t.co/fovpV4EtdZ 新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大防止に向けた政府方針が示された中で実施された東京マラソン。東京マラソン財団によると、観戦者は7万2000人。例年の10分の1以下という。 — Yahoo!ニュース (@YahooNewsTopics) March 1, 2020 Government ordered shrink the event scale but the event spectator was gathered over 70 thousand people. Comment for example Tokyo olympic step farther away from schedule plan... Coronavirus more spread than now? Japanese people learn less from the past.

Japan vs Coronavirus covid-19 outbreak :Now start combat?? Japan Abe prime just say and no detail.

Abe prime announced that we getting ready help support with 'pay for coronavirus[covid-19] holiday for worker'. But no details about pay. 29-Feb-Saturday. Today more spreading coronavirus outbreak. Coronavirus outbreaks 22 of 47 prefecture in Japan. Yesterday suddenly Abe prime announced please all school get day off for coronavirus prevent.... But it means that just request. Eventually, some prefecture governor announced that we'll not school holiday for coronavirus prevention. Where is 'leadership of Japan government' ?? After that... Today Abe Prime announced  getting ready 'support salary to parents work holiday' for coronavirus prevention. But, I'm feeling down because Japan government say no detail. Japan government often make  just say with no action.

Tokyo olympics held plan is far away. Japan MHLW minister said i can't understand about community-acquired infection.

Tokyo Olympics crisis:MHLW minister said: I don't know community-acquire infection define. Doubt Japan MHLW minister skills : I never know community-acquire infection define. Prefecture Ishikawa governor announced on Sunday Feb.23. : Might be this coronavirus[COVID-19] infection case is community-acquire infection. 【 #石川のニュース 】 #石川テレビ 学校では消毒…知事「“市中感染のステージ”と思わざるを得ない」石川で新型コロナ感染者2人確認 - https://t.co/ONShsPQ1H0 プライムオンライン https://t.co/MhMEf3oNTD — 【石川テレビ】石川さんLive News it! 💙 (@ishikawa_tvnews) February 23, 2020 But Japan MHLW Kato minister say in press conference  that i never know about community-acquire infection define. MHLW Kato minister play dumb atitude in press conference. 【悲報】加藤厚労相、市中感染を理解せず?「市中感染という概念がわからない」 https://t.co/7ZgZyxjjw2 pic.twitter.com/yauXAk6lDD — 情報速報ドットコム (@jyouhoucom) February 23, 2020 Well in this situation means has no skill about coronavirus spreading protection. Japanese citizen have to read between the lines. Japanese of

COVID-19(New Coronavirus):At over this timing!? Abe prime said "Please avoid crowd". Now Feb.15

Abe prime said "Please avoid crowd". At over this timing!? Now COVID-19 infection spreading through country. We can't avoid commute against so crowded. Abe prime thought low danger about coronavirus, through this time on Feb.14 ? 【速報】高齢者・基礎疾患のある人 安倍首相「人ごみ避けて」 - FNNプライムオンライン https://t.co/6DDEHLmjA7 #FNN — apatchsan (@apatchsan) February 14, 2020 But this is impossible. Now spreading New coronavirus:COVID-19(Wuhan-corona) infection patient nationwide in Japan. Abe prime said "Please avoid crowd situation" in this timing... Everyday Japanese commute so crowded train. But We can't see  provide anything by JP government, about avoid new coronavirus infection in daily life. 新型肺炎 妊婦に呼びかけ「こまめに手洗い 人混み避けて」 #nhk_news https://t.co/QM3F47jutf — NHKニュース (@nhk_news) February 5, 2020 NHK said "don't extremely worry", but said "Please Avoid crowd". Can we possible avoid crowded in our daily life?

Coronavirus Death First case issue:Japan coronavirus infection people toll spikes, by JP government too optimistic many plans

Died woman who never been visited Wuhan with coronavirus infection. Too now, JP Government take optimistics care act against coronavirus infection spreading. JAPAN Government MHLW Suddenly reported the first death of a person with Wuhan-coronavirus infected on Feb-13 Thursday pm. According to MHLW, woman said health so feel weak. And went hospital for diagnostics on January-28. The diagnostics indicated pneumonia , And woman hospitalized. And the woman got sick more worse. The woman died before re-diagnostics indicate that Wuhan-coronavirus. Now coronavirus infection patient total 251 peoples. Almost Japanese people thinking JP government can't stop coronavirus infection because always government take fake action and take optimistic act.

Japan has World top 2 the number of coronavirus infection patient.

JP government took silence about coronavirus infection patient  condition for up until now.It seems JP government failed the stop spreading coronavirus infection for now... 日本政府はコロナウイルス感染拡大防止に失敗している気が.. That Suddenly announced.. on Feb.12 Wednesday. Suddenly JP Government announced 3 coronavirus infection patient became seriously condition. JP government took silence about coronavirus infection patient  condition for up until now. But suddenly announced in this situation. 【新型肺炎 日本で複数人が重症】 https://t.co/FJ9nFNiKdj 日本国内で確認された新型コロナウイルス感染者のうち、複数の人が重症になっていることが判明。呼吸困難となるなど容体が非常に深刻な患者もいるといい、懸命の治療が続いている。 — Yahoo!ニュース (@YahooNewsTopics) February 11, 2020 Japanese citizen angry after that.. 東京オリ、パラ…表彰台は日本独占だね🇯🇵 恐らく各国出場辞退だもん… — とっち@次回観劇[SpielEit ~Navigate~] (@Msn06sE) February 12, 2020 Possible only Japanese get Tokyo olympic and para victory stand , because foreigner decline the offer. 誰だよ。たいしたことないと言った専門家💢 — RiO (@RiO96763835) Febru

日本はコロナウイルス感染者が2番目に多い国(1番は中国) 情報源:WHO資料

Japan second rank: Coronavirus infection disease. 2月5日時点で日本は2番目にコロナウイルス感染者が多い 情報源: WHO(World health Organization) 資料: Novel Coronavirus(2019-nCoV) 安倍政権が、ただひたすらに、コロナウイルス肺炎の対応を強化と叫び続けている事とは空しく、実際にはやったフリの対応が目立っており、街を歩いている感じだと、政府が国民や普段働く労働者の為に何かしている様子はこれっぽっちも オイラ~の生活圏では全く対応している様子は見ない。 むしろ、 大阪の百貨店で接客している店員がマスク着用を指示されていない事自体が相当異常! (百貨店だけじゃないけれど) 海を隔てての日本が中国より感染者数が多い現実 中国とは、海という物理的に隔離されている状況の日本において、 コロナウイルス感染が確認された感染者数が世界で2番目に多いという異常さ 。 日本メディアが日本政府から発表のあった声明を報道しているだけという説が本当だとして考えられる事は。 コロナウイルス発生の報道が頻繁になる当時、日本の各社報道メディアは、中国旅行者の春節は日本に来る中国人観光客が増加が見込まれ、日本経済に与える影響が大きいとするという報道がある。 特に想像出来るのが、インバウンドによる海外観光客からの消費を目当てにしたお金目当てというかお金を優先とした対応をした為ではないかと考えられる。 日本のメディアはスポンサーと政府の影響をモロ受けるので、ツイッター等では対応強化を訴える人が多かったが、日本が指定感染症の指定にするかどうかを決定したのが1月28日で、施工したのがつい最近の2月1日からである。 現在も検閲中の豪華客船では感染者が増え続けており、日本でのコロナウイルス感染者数は先進国中上位をキープし続ける事が容易く予想出来てしまう事が残念だ。